Don't Eat The Plastic Book and the plastic pollution watercolor series

I have been working on the Plastic Pollution Series of paintings for over a decade addressing the consequences of plastic pollution on humans, wildlife, our oceans, waters and riverways through art, art activism, and writing educational books for our future generations. 
May they know that we are trying to correct our old habits of destruction on the planet to help save what we still have. This book has a resource page (besides a great light story with colorful funny illustrated pictures for the kids) to help and guide you through living a more plastic free lifestyle and or ease you into thinking about to eliminating one-time use plastic items from your personal life.
My first children's book.
Peter O. Zierlein web-site:

               More ARTICLES & PODCAST below ART Work


ARTICLES AND PUBLICATIONS on our  Book and Plastic Pollution Activism

BOOK REVIEW: Number 9..... Reviewing The Arts U.K.-Wide  

FEATURED ARTIST with The Earth Issue:

FEATURED  ARTIST with Beth Terry Plastic Free Life:

FEATURED ARTIST with 1 Million Women


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Copy Rights reserved for the artist only. Please do not make copies of my artwork (C) DARA HERMAN ZIERLEIN 2021
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